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Ways you can use economics in your personal life

  I remember countless times I would doze off in several economics classes. However, I remember this lecturer who would use history and politics to make the laws of demand and supply and the graphs thereof, more relatable. Economics is a social science concerned with production, distribution, and consumption of both goods and services. Application of economics involves allocation of scarce resources by individuals, firms, government and societies.  Economics is the way we live and how our brains are wired to make the most optimal decisions. Economics explains how we seek the most optimal utility in all the decision we make. However, our brains are also wired to make the easiest of choices and take shortcuts. That would explain why most people resort to addictive habits and substances to get temporary thrills instead of seeking their dopamine rush from work, adventure, seeking new lovers, and pursuit of dreams. Probably fear is an economics function that seeks to reduce resources, tim

Lost In the Sea of Life

Life can really screw you. Or it might turn out like a Disney story.  I met Kev along the streets of Nairobi a few weeks back. He still had his wide grin and bubbly personality that could keep a whole village warm during a winter night. Kev is a kind-hearted human being, generous and an agreeable fellow to a fault. He also had such great footballing skills, I always envisaged him playing for the great Manchester United. He actually had a stint playing for a local Premier league, albeit on a trial basis. As he had no money to bribe some connected individuals, his spot was taken by a lesser talent who sadly had more well-oiled hands than him. So up in flames, went his footballing dream. While he still looked for his 40 years, his eyes looked hollow and haunted. He had the look of a war veteran, like a person who had seen too much suffering, death and had had his soul wrung dry. I was excited to reconnect with by childhood friend and I had some time to idle away, I suggested we find a nic