We have lots of marriage counselors and relationship gurus, yet we seem to be having more screwed-up relationships than ever. Why is that? Of course, the digital age hasn't made things any better. Technology has allowed sharing shitty tales of how men or women are bad. Sadly, most of us are driven by our fears, thus pushing people away or disqualifying ourselves from great opportunities. Understanding and processing your traumas can help you navigate life better, have more meaningful relationships, and realize your true potential. What are Unresolved Traumas? All of us have traumas in our life. It's part of being human. You could be traumatized by an accident, a natural disaster, or anything really bad that happened to you. Traumas are deeply disturbing experiences that we cannot process when they happen. Unresolved traumas are past experiences that were so painful that we suppressed their memory. We do this for self-protection because the pain was too much to bear at the time ...