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5 Simple Steps To Lose Weight

73.6 % of Americans are overweight, and over 70% of those being obese. Studies state that a BMI of 28 increases the risk of developing erectile dysfunction by 90%. Obesity in men causes a low frequency of sexual intercourse. Obese women report lower scores for sexual arousal, lubrication, orgasm, and sexual satisfaction.

Overweight people are more likely to die from infectious diseases like Covid-19. Obesity increases the risk of serious chronic diseases and severe illness from COVID-19. To live a healthy life, you must manage your weight. BMI is the best indicator of how healthy you are.

Here are 5 simple steps to lose weight. 

Cut Sugar

Quit taking sugar and cakes, claiming you have a sweet tooth. Excess sugar impairs cognitive skills and self-control. The sad part is that sugar has drug-like effects in the reward center of the brain. Eating sugar releases opioids and dopamine in the bloodstream, thereby causing addictive behavior.

Eat More Proteins, Especially Animal Protein

Taking more beef, eggs, and fish can help you reduce weight. Eating red meat is very nutritious and beneficial to weight loss. Red meat contains high amounts of protein and other essential nutrients. Fish also promotes faster weight loss.

Eating eggs support weight loss if you incorporate them into a calorie-controlled diet. Eggs boost metabolic activity and improve feelings of fullness. Taking eggs for breakfast reduces your urge to consume extra calories.

One Meal a Day- OMAD

The number of calories you eat each day is also one of the biggest factors that affect your weight. Depending on your occupation and health status, select at least one meal you can skip.

OMAD helps you to burn fat, improve your metabolism, and increases your alertness. OMAD heightens human growth hormone (HGH) levels for building muscle and burning fat. OMAD also reduces inflammation levels. When you aren’t eating, the body diverts its energy towards the repair.

Cut Back on the Junk Food

Junk food is the biggest contributor to obesity in our generation. Junk food fills you up but doesn’t add any nutritional value to your body. Junk food also screws your sugar levels and predisposes you to obesity. Show the same love to your kids and cut back on their intake of junk foods.

There are many negative effects of junk food. Junk food causes memory loss and learning challenges. They also cause inadequate growth and development and increasing depression levels. Junk food leads to a lot of health problems while affecting your ability to lose weight.


"Outdoor workout, lets get it! @djsilverknight #workout #fittness #Menshealth #health #wealth #mind #body #soul #handsome #cardio #gym #fittnessmodel #actor #model" by Inemorin is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

If you cannot afford a gym membership, consider cost-effective and convenient strategies. You should walk or jog in the neighborhood. Other options include taking stairs, pushups, squats, rope skipping, yoga, and cardio workouts. 

Exercise requires disciple and commitment for your weight loss journey to be effective. Most people desire the freedom to act and live with freedom. To achieve this, they must exercise discipline. The only way to get to a place of freedom is through discipline.

You will get freedom from erectile dysfunction, diseases, weakness, and fear. You also get freedom from cranky joints, low self-esteem, and visits to the doctor.

Start Today

Weight loss will help in regulating blood sugar; reduce the risk of heart disease. Your sex life will improve by reducing cases of erectile dysfunction. You will also enjoy better sleep, mobility, energy levels, self-esteem, and improved moods.

Start that journey today and enjoy the freedom you so desire. 


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