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Learn the art of learning better habits

Human beings are creatures of habit. Your habits determine your outcomes, behaviors, personality, and choices. We could live fulfilling lives if we adopted healthier and more constructive habits.


You can do it

Habit formation involves a process through which habits become automatic. You can cultivate new habits and eliminates unwanted ones. Habits get ingrained, despite their harm to the individual. It makes it hard to breaks terrible habits.


Our habits dictate our behavior by causing your mind to act on autopilot.  The brain releases dopamine when you indulge in your habits. Dopamine release feels good, and the brain and body seek more reward and pleasure. The dopamine effect makes the negative habit patterns to be more ingrained and thus difficult to break.


As a cue, smokers reach out for a cigarette when they wake up. Imagine if that person reached out for running shoes, a cup of healthy drink, water, or grapes. The person would be fitter and wouldn’t waste their money buying another pack of cigarettes. Most smokers desire to quit, but the ingrained habit makes it hard to go without one, even for an hour.


Most people struggle with various habits. Bad habits include smoking, pornography, overindulging in alcohol, food, sex, to impulse shopping. Usually, you regret indulging in your addictive habit or wish you could quit and be free. Wallowing in self-pity and fantasizing is delusional at best.


Saving, having better interpersonal relationships, and healthy eating get thwarted by instant gratification. Successful people managed to control their behavior to align with their long-term goals.


You should cultivate better habits. Consider exercising, kindness, eating healthy, risk-taking, watching less TV, and working out. While you struggle, you must decide to drop those habits to live the life that you desire.


You need to identify your addictive and self-destructive habits and develop better habits. The biggest issue facing our generation are finances, health, and stability. So how can you establish practices that safeguard your health, finances and have a return on investment?


So how can you form good habits? Bad habits are hard to drop, so is cultivating good behavior. This requires a commitment to the change process. You must celebrate yourself for various milestones and keeping on trying until you ace it.


The best way to develop and maintain healthier habits is through repetition. Determination and a smart approach should also help stop bad habits.


To drop bad habits, you must have an end goal and intrinsic motivation and picking a better habit. You may want to be fit, save, increasing your income, improve your sex life or be more responsible.


Upon deciding to change, commit to the change process. Make incremental adjustments. Maintain a positive outlook and do not give up on your path to better. Be keen on the triggers and environment that might cause you to relapse. Don’t beat yourself when you relapse; shake yourself up and keep going. It takes between 18 and 254 days to form a new habit. It also takes an average of 66 days for a new behavior to become automatic, so be kind to yourself.


Strive to make that change. Outcomes in life are a product of a series of behaviors, choices, and habits. Bad habits hamper your life and health. Good habits can set you up for long-term success, joy, fulfillment, and good health.


Above all, celebrate all your wins and have self-compassion rather than self-judgment. Be patient with yourself. Habit formation is a long-term process. Most of your bad habits form over your lifetime.


Give yourself time to develop better habits and grace when you fall. Dust yourself when you fail and keep going. Keep on exercising, saving, eating healthier, or cutting on porn. Strive to have meaningful relationships and being adventurous. Then, you will live the life that you desire.


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