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Why Does the Society Downplay the Role of Men or Subdue Its Men?

A man is a being that is capable of giving love, respect, and devotion to his family. He's the one who can be the best father, husband, son, friend, and teammate. But what happens when society downplays the role of men or subdues its men?

Men are the foundation of human civilization and progress. From the invention of tools to the creation of art to mathematics, and science, men have been essential in shaping our world. Most civilizations, innovations, and progress have resulted from men. The achievements of great men are too numerous to list here.

Yet society today seems scared of masculinity or vilifies it. Men are usually villains in most social media posts or politically correct conversations. Of course, there are bad, evil, and even abusive men. However, that is only a tiny percentage. Without adequate affirmation and acknowledgment, the current man may grow disillusioned with his importance in society. Let's explore why men deserve fair praise, plaudits, and appreciation.

The Misogyny Crisis

The history of sexism has been a long, ugly one. It is not just the history of women being relegated to a lesser existence. It's also the history of men being oppressed by society.

Toxic feminism and trauma seem to drive a men-hating campaign. Laws, media, and court verdicts seem to push the men-hating agenda. Social media is awash with videos and stories of how 'men ain't shit.' It's typical to disrespect men but politically incorrect if one points out follies in women. So how did we get here?

Toxic feminism promotes the idea that women are oppressed by patriarchy and must be liberated from it. The theory claims that women are raised to be passive, submissive, and obedient to men, internalize patriarchal values, and experience sexual objectification at every point in their lives. While this sounds like a reasonable argument for equality between the sexes, what it means is that women are inferior to men in every way imaginable - intellectually, socially, physically, emotionally - and must therefore receive special treatment or else face oppression or even death at the hands of those who believe in traditional gender roles such as fathers and husbands.

Toxic feminists believe that all men are potential rapists who seek out opportunities to assault women because they find them attractive or sexually vulnerable. These feminists see no difference between male violence (such as rape) versus male violence against strangers (such as mass shootings). Objectivity will help immensely.

Men Face Greater Resistance and Harshness Than Women Do

We live in a time when men are challenged to be more than society has taught them. Men are being told to fear their masculinity and not assert themselves. Men are told they are not needed in the home or community and should become more passive instead. The media also portrays men as violent and toxic while women are victims of violence.

Men do not get enough recognition for their contributions to society. They are expected to take on responsibilities without being compensated. Men are more likely to lose their jobs than women and have less access to benefits such as sick leave, family leave, and paid parental leave.

Men are an Unappreciated Lot

Men have been downplayed for centuries by many societies across the world. Yet, men are the backbone of society. They are the ones who make it run. They provide for their families and protect other people and us. Men are our leaders and workers, and they build civilization. Without men, society would not exist.

Men are not portrayed as the heroes they are supposed to be. They are not seen as nurturing or caring for their families or communities. They are often depicted as having no sense of responsibility or empathy towards others or society. Instead, they are shown to be selfish, uncaring, and irresponsible when they should be caring for their families or communities.

Negative Press on Manhood

There's a lot of talk these days about the lack of respect for masculinity and the degradation of men. The media, our schools, and popular culture clearly communicate that men are disposable, weak, and worthless.

The media has also been against men in recent times. The media and pop culture have portrayed men as incompetent and weak. Many people believe that women are more competent than men. For example:

"Women can do anything a man can do."

"Women are better drivers than men."

"Women are smarter than men."

"Women are stronger than men." And so on...

The media is full of stories about how the patriarchy sucks and how feminism is destroying the world. But unfortunately, these beliefs lead to discrimination against men in society. They portray them as violent and aggressive characters who do not know how to behave appropriately with women. This is why most men today feel confused about their role in society and their identity as a man.

Distorted View of Masculinity

Men are expected to be stoic, strong, and brave. They are expected to be hard workers, not complainers or moochers. The more masculine a man is perceived to be, the more he is rewarded with respect in society.

Men often feel guilty about disappointing their families and friends when they take time to work because they want to spend time with their children or wife/wife. 

Men struggle with expressing emotions: not just anger and sadness but also love and joy. And even though women cry more often than men (which should be no surprise), most men still don't admit that they can or do cry.

Laws Are Unfavorable Towards Men

Gender-biased laws are used by society to oppress men. The system is biased towards women in all aspects of life, such as property rights, divorce, or maintenance, which makes it difficult for men to win any case against them in court. These biases and prejudices can be very subtle, so it is hard to detect them unless one knows what to look for. For example, most laws that protect women's rights do not apply equally to both sexes; women are given preferential access to abortion clinics; women get custody of children when divorces occur; women can sue for sexual harassment, but men cannot.

Distorted View of Masculinity

Masculinity has been devalued in society for a long time. The portrayal of men in movies and television has also changed dramatically. In the past, men were portrayed as strong, hardworking, and masculine. Nowadays, they are more often shown as weak and helpless.

Men are Selfless

Men are more likely to risk their lives for others than women. This is a natural part of being a man; you protect your family first. This can be seen in wars such as World War II and Vietnam, where millions died for something that didn't benefit them personally. 

But we also see it every day when we hear stories about police officers risking their lives to save others or firefighters going into burning buildings to rescue people trapped inside them, even if they could die. 

Men are willing to sacrifice everything for their families because they know what it means to be a father or husband or son; they want nothing less than their loved ones' happiness and safety at any cost.

It's Time for Society to Appreciate Men

The world is a better place when men are appreciated, and men are allowed to be men. It's time for society to respect men and not downplay their role in society. It's time to celebrate manhood and masculinity. Men should stop apologizing for being men. Men should stop apologizing for being masculine. Men should stop apologizing for expressing emotions or being vulnerable.

Some people may claim that the only way to help men is through feminism, but this isn't true — and it misses the point entirely. The biggest problem with feminism is that it has become politicized and divisive; it's no longer about helping everyone equally but rather about tearing down those who don't fit into our narrow definition of "womanhood" or "manhood."

In doing so, we have forgotten about those who do not fit into either category: children, teenagers, adults without families or jobs — anyone who does not fit into our rigidly defined social constructs.

To truly help men in need, we must address all aspects of their lives — including their role in their family life and at home. We need to appreciate them more. Acknowledge they have issues that need fairness. Celebrate them for the heroes they are.

Men Are Valuable to the Society

Men are essential to survival. Men are the primary builders of nations, societies, and families. They are responsible for the safety and protection of people from natural disasters, epidemics, and other threats. 

Men provide food for others, water for others, and shelter for others during times of need. Men are also responsible for keeping the nation stable by maintaining peace and order within it.

Men are the ones who take responsibility for making hard decisions. Whenever a society meets difficulties, men have to make decisions to solve these problems. Men are the ones who fight for others.

All over the world, when there's a war, it is men who march into the battlefield and fight for their countries, families, and loved ones. If there's any dispute between two nations or races, it would be men that fight against one another and make sacrifices. In a disaster or emergency, men step forward and take charge to help others.

Men Have a Rightful Place in the Society

Men have a rightful place in society because they make up half of it. They bear children and raise them to become productive members of the community. Their role is to protect families from dangers and help them grow strong through hard work.

They should be respected for their contributions to it. We should not vilify masculinity because it makes men different from women. Because of this, we have men who do things like go to war, make valuable contributions to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), and make great managers at work.

Men also tend to be more aggressive than women; this is normal behavior for males in most species where males compete for females by fighting among themselves or with other males from other species or even from other tribes if necessary!

We Should Not Vilify Masculinity

Many people have vilified masculinity because it makes them uncomfortable or scared of men and masculinity. However, this is another way to oppress men by making them feel bad about themselves because of how masculine they are; this will never work!

We should not vilify masculinity because it is essential for a healthy society. Men can be masculine without being violent or aggressive towards others; they just need to be aware of their responsibilities towards their families and community members.

If we continue to treat men as monsters with no morals, then we will never be able to fix anything in this country! We need to allow men back into society and show them that masculinity does not mean being violent towards others. Masculinity is sexy. It helps things get done.

Celebrate the Men in Your Life

You can make a man feel special with words of affirmation, acknowledgment, or service acts. We must make an effort to raise better men and ensure men are proud to be who they are without being vilified for their masculinity.

Societies, mothers, and governments should help reduce the pandemic of fatherlessness. Whatever our unique situations or locations, try and make a man smile today. Make him feel appreciated for his sacrifices, presence, leadership, and idealistic love.


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